index Hi, I am Ryanth Atmadja and I am majoring in electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and by December 1999 I will be graduating from CMU.
This page is dedicated to post the documentations that I wrote for my senior honors research project done over Summer 1999.
I undertook this project with Professor Tsuhan Chen as my advisor. Thanks for all the directions, the encouragements, and the training he gave me!

The title of my project is
"Real-Time Active Noise Control Using TI 'C54."

To find out what active noise control is, take a look at this: poster presentation

If you want to know more about the DSP platform that I used for the project, go here: DSP platform tutorial

Finally, if you are really engaged with my project, this is the comprehensive documentation: project report
If the pictures in the htmll format are not clear, you can download the word file:  report.doc

By the way, if you care this is the project's progress notes with Prof. Chen:  progress

Thank you for your interest!

Return to the Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab web site:  AMP

Comments and questions are welcome, please send them to: or

Last updated: December 2, 1999.