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Michael Kaye Master's Student Personal
Homepage: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mhk
Office: Porter Hall B21 |
Address: |
[Research Interests] [Project] [Publications]
Research Focus:
I am interested in signal, image, and video processing. My past work includes developing an image-processing algorithm to detect and identify Stop, Yield, and Do Not Enter signs in images taken from a car as it was being driven. The algorithm was implemented on a Texas Instruments Digital Signal Processor.
Detecting Information Signs on Highways
One can often find blue signs within a few miles of interstate exits. These signs display the logos of restaurants, gas stations, and hotels that can be found by taking the upcoming exit. This project uses video from a camera in the car and aims to detect these signs. Once the blue sign is detected, the logos can be identified and information, such as hotel rates, gas prices, or restaurant specials can be passed on to the driver.
For more details on the project please see the Stop Sign Detection Project Page.
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