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Jason Lew

Jason Lew

MEng Student


(where 'domain' = 'cornell')


About Me:

I am a Master's of Engineering student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. My advisor is Prof. Tsuhan Chen, and I am working in the Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab.

I grew up in California and attended Duke University for undergrad. I graduated in 2009 with a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

I have a broad range of interests across hardware and software; specifically, I enjoy signal processing, digital systems, board-level hardware, and mobile apps.

My personal interests include basketball, athletic training, hip-hop music, and poker.

Work Experience:

In 2006, at Applied Signal Technology, I designed a PC-based test interface for an advanced FPGA board.

In 2007, at Applied Biosystems, I worked on a high-throughput DNA sequencer.

In 2008, I was with the iPod Hardware team at Apple. I worked on the iPod Shuffle (3G), Nano (4G), Classic (6G), and Touch (2G).

In 2009, I worked in the Mobile Silicon Group at Apple.

MEng Project:

For my MEng Project, I am working with Dhruv Batra and Adarsh Kowdle. I am implementing an iPhone App front-end for their interactive cosegmentation algorithm.


Please email me if you are interested in viewing my resume.