Amandianeze Nwana

I am a PhD student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University. I am advised by Professors Tsuhan Chen and Salman Avestimehr.
Prior to Cornell, I earned two Bachelors degrees from Carnegie Mellon University in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science both in 2010, and I also earned a Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon in 2011.
At Carnegie Mellon, my interests were in signal processing, information theory and computer networks. Since arriving at Cornell, I have become more interested in the study of social and information networks, and how to leverage the rich and complex
information from (implicit and explicit) social interactions in data to help solve traditional estimation, prediction and detection tasks. In my spare time I enjoy playing and watching soccer, and like many sports fans my mood is somewhat dependent on
how my favorite team, Arsenal, is doing.