Toshihiko YAMASAKI

I am a visiting scientist in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University since Febrary, 2011. I am working with Prof. Tsuhan Chen and I am a member of the Advanced Multimedia Processing Lab.
I received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering, the M.S. degree in information and communication engineering, and the Ph.D. degree from The University of Tokyo in 1999, 2001, and 2004, respectively. I am also an Associate Professor at Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. My activities in Japan can be found at the Aizawa-Yamasaki Lab homepage.
My current research interests include 3D processing, image processing, multimedia, computervision, pattern recognition, VLSI design, and so on.
I am a member of IEEE, ACM, ITE, IEICE, IPSJ, and so on.