Andrew Gallagher

Visiting Research Scientist
(where 'replacethisdomain' is 'gmail')
Mar. 2015: I have joined Google's Android team in Pittsburgh, working on mobile vision, especially faces.
Mar. 2015: Two papers accepted to CVPR 2015. Media coverage for the paper on finding the important people in an image is here.
Jan. 2014: I have joined Google, working with geo-referenced imagery like StreetView.
Sept. 23, 2013: My proposal for improving the quality of images on a big display has been selected for funding by the SAMSUNG Global Research Outreach (GRO) program.
Sept. 21, 2013: One paper accepted to ICCV 2013, on the topic of describing people with attribute phrases. The title is on the publications page.
Sept. 18, 2013: Four papers are accepted to ICIP 2013. Titles are on publications page.
April 23, 2013: Try out our web demo for guessing your first name from your face: [Web Demo]
April 10, 2013: Media Coverage for guessing first names from a single face: [NewScientist]
Feb. 28, 2013: Several papers are accepted to CVPR 2013. Titles are on publications page.
Jan. 2, 2013: Prof. Tsuhan Chen and I will chair a Workshop on Social Media Mining at ICME 2013.
Oct. 29, 2012: I chaired the "Video Content Analysis" session at the National Academy of Engineering's Japanese-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
Oct. 1, 2012: Presented a poster at ICIP on de-shredding documents.
Sept. 30, 2012: I taught a tutorial on Visual Processing for Social Media at ICIP with Prof. Tsuhan Chen.
June 18, 2012: Jigsaw Puzzle solving coverage:[NewScientist][SlashDot][][MSNBC].
June 18, 2012: Presented an oral paper on solving Jigsaw Puzzles at CVPR.
June 4, 2012: I joined Cornell's Advanced Multimedia Lab!