Yimeng Zhang

I am a 4th year PHD student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University.
I received my master degree in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon Unversity in 2008. I did research in data mining, natural language processing, and intrusion detection during my masters. In 2008, I became a PHD student in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. I am advised by Prof. Tsuhan Chen. After one year, I transfered to Cornell University following my advisor. My PHD research is on computer vision, machine learning and information retrieval.
I did an internship in the Computer Vision Lab of GE Global Research during the summer of 2011, and received the Early Identification Award in recognition of the contribution to GE. The award is given to top 3% of students across all GE functional areas and businesses.
Before coming to the US, I completed my undergraduate at Informatics and Mathematics Science of Kyoto Univeristy, Japan. I worked in Tanaka Lab for my undergraduate thesis research in web mining.