Project - Eigenflow Based Face

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To have a face authentication system tolerant to facial expression
variations and registration errors.
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face authentication is a challenging research topic since the human face can
always generate significant variations in appearance because of facial
expressions, rotation, scale, shift, lighting condition, etc. Here we propose a
new approach to perform face authentication tolerant to facial expression
variations and registration error. The basic idea is to use Optical
flow to
capture face appearance motion when there are variations in facial expressions,
and model the resulting optical flows using the eigenspace model.
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The eigenflow based face authentication is
consisted of the following several modules.
Optical Flow for Face
left half of the figure shows two face images from the same subject,
but with different expressions. Resulting optical flow is shown below
these figures. Also by using the first image and the optical flow, we
can construct a predicted image that is close to the second image.
We call the pixel difference between the predicted image and
the second one as the residue image, which is shown as the third
figure in the top row. For the same subject, this residue image would
have low energy because the motion of most pixels can be modeled well
by the optical flow. The second set shows the same except for the fact
that the two input images are from two different subjects. Obviously,
the optical flow looks more irregular when the two images are from
different subjects. Also the residue of motion prediction has more
"error". Both of these two clues can help to discriminate
these two cases, which is the task of authentication.
Eigenflow Using PCA
flow images between face images are trained using Principal Component
Analysis(PCA). This figure show the first three eigenflows trained
from expression images of one subject. Some prominent movement of
facial features, such as mouth corner, eyebrow, scale, nasolabial
furrow, can be seen from them.
The residue to this eigenflow space can be useful for authentication.

Discriminant Analysis
the eigenflow residue, combined with the optical flow residue using
linear discriminant analysis ( LDA ), determines the authenticity of
the test image.
We have do experiments using this
approach based on our own database and public databases. Experimental
results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the traditional
methods in the presence of facial expression variations and
registration error.
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As the first
step of this research, we collected an face database with expression
variations, which is available to the public. In this data set, we have:
These face
images are collected in the same lighting condition using CCD camera.
Face images have been well-registrated by the eyes location. The
following example shows some expression images of one subject.

our face expression database now.
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- Xiaoming Liu, Tsuhan Chen and B. V. K. Vijaya
Kumar, "Robust
Face Authentication for Multiple Subjects Using Eigenflow", Carnegie
Mellon Technical Report: AMP01-05
- Xiaoming
Liu, Tsuhan Chen and B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, Face
Authentication for Multiple Subjects Using Eigenflow. Pattern
Recognition, special issue on Biometric,Volume 36, Issue 2, February
2003, pp. 313-328.
- Xiaoming
Liu, Tsuhan Chen and B.V.K. Vijaya Kumar, On
Modeling Variations For Face Authentication, In
the Proceeding of the
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2002,
pp. 369-374, 20-21 May 2002.
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Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Please send them to
Xiaoming Liu.
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