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Deepak S. Turaga
PhD. Alumnus
Deepak is currently a Research Staff Member in the Content Server Department
at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Hawthorne, NY.
Email: turaga(at)us(dot)ibm(dot)com
Phone: 914-784-7550
Fax: 914-784-6226
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center,
Skyline Drive,
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Interests] [Project]
Current research interests
and Server Management, Multiple Description Coding, Error
concealment, Cross-layer optimization for increased error resilience
wavelet video coding
compensated temporal filtering and various improvements to improve the
flexibility and efficiency of wavelet video coding
Research work performed for my Ph. D.
Optimization Issues for Video Coding
based motion estimation
is an integral part of video coding standards like H.263 and MPEG 1,2 and 4. We
can use the spatial correlatedness of motion in video sequences to reduce the
search space, provide good matches and also reduce the bit rate (as motion
vectors are differentially coded, a homogeneous motion field needs fewer bits
to code). The performance of our algorithms is evaluated in terms of this
"speed-quality -bit rate" tradeoff.
measure of similarity and mode decisions for Intra versus
Inter coding. We propose a new measure of similarity between blocks called the
mean reduced MAD, which is more representative of the number of bits required
for coding the residue as opposed to the MAD. Using this measure can lead to
better performance in terms of motion estimation quality. This measure can also
be used to provide a better mode decision for Intra versus Inter coding.
Based Mode Decisions.
Mode decisions in the video coding process may be viewed as binary hypothesis
testing problems and a suitable classifier may be designed to make these
decisions. We choose representative features for the hypotheses under test and
design classifiers to minimize the overall cost of misclassification. This cost
may be defined in terms of the speed-quality-bit rate parameters of video
coding. We may use these classification based strategies to make any mode
decisions, such as the Inter-Intra mode decision for a macroblock or the I-P
frame decision or the code frame, skip frame selection for rate control.
Adaptive Video Coding
source trace modeling.
We propose some doubly stochastic models (using HMMs) to generate video bit
rate traces. These traces can be used for estimating network parameters such as
delay, bit error rates without the need for actual video codecs. The models are
designed to mimic the statistical characteristics of real video trace data as
closely as possible.
Control using
different kinds of scalabilities provided by video coding standards adaptively.
We may use the classification based rate control strategies to choose between
coding a frame and skipping it for rate control and optimize the decision in
terms of the rate-distortion parameters.
Concealment for
video transmitted over lossy networks. Current work is on model based error
concealment, using Principal Components Analysis as a model for the video data
region of interest.
using HMMs. Some work that I did as part of my internship at Intel during
Summer 1999.
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H.263 Video Codec
more details on the project please see the Video Codec project page.
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- Book Chapters
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, Book Chapter
of Video Coding,: H.263 as an example", Compressed Video
Over Networks, The Signal Processing Series, Marcel Dekker, 2000.
- Deepak. S. Turaga and M. van der Schaar,
“Tutorial on MPEG-4” under preparation.
- Journal Papers
- Deepak S. Turaga, M. van der Schaar et al,
"Unconstrained motion compensated temporal filtering for efficient
and flexible interframe wavelet video coding," accepted for
publication, Signal Processing: Image Communication.
- Deepak S. Turaga, M. van der Schaar and B.
Pesquet-Popescu, “Complexity
scalable motion compensated wavelet video encoding,” under review IEEE
Trans. CSVT.
- D. S. Turaga, Y. Chen and J. Caviedes, “No
reference PSNR estimation for compressed pictures,” Signal
Processing: Image Communication, Special Issue on Video Quality, Jan
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen,
"Model-based error concealment for wireless video," IEEE Trans. CSVT, Special
Issue on Wireless Video, 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "On
probability density for modeling video traffic," Journal of VLSI Signal Processing,
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "Classification
based mode decisions for video over networks," IEEE Trans.
Multimedia, Special issue on Multimedia over IP, 2001.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "Estimation
and Mode Decision for Spatially Correlated Motion Sequences", IEEE
Trans. CSVT, May 2002.
- Conference
- M van der Schaar, D. S. Turaga, V. Akella,
“Rate-distortion-complexity adaptive video compression and
streaming,” ICIP 2004.
- D. S. Turaga and M. van
der Schaar, “Temporal
prediction and differential coding of motion vectors in the MCTF framework,”
ICIP, September 2003.
- M. van der Schaar and D.
S. Turaga, “Multiple description scalable coding using wavelet-based
motion compensated temporal filtering,” ICIP, September 2003.
- D. S. Turaga and M. van
der Schaar, “Reduced
complexity spatio-temporal scalable motion compensated wavelet video
encoding,” ICME, July 2003.
- Deepak S. Turaga and M. van der Schaar,
"Content-adaptive filtering in the UMCTF framework", ICASSP 2003
- M. van der Schaar and Deepak. S. Turaga,
"Unconstrained motion compensated temporal filtering (UMCTF)
framework for wavelet video coding," ICASSP 2003.
- Deepak S. Turaga, M. van der Schaar and B.
Pesquet-Popescu, "Differential Motion Vector Coding for Scalable
Coding," SPIE Electronic Imaging 2003.
- Deepak S. Turaga and M. van der Schaar,
"Wavelet coding for video streaming using new unconstrained motion
compensated temporal filtering," International Workshop on Data
Communication 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga and M. van der Schaar,
"Multiple description motion compensated temporal filtering for
robust wireless video transmission," 2nd New York Metro Area
Networking Workshop, August 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga and M. van der Schaar,
"Wavelet coding for video streaming using new unconstrained motion
compensated temporal filtering," International Workshop on Data
Communication 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga, Y. Chen and J. Caviedes,
"No reference PSNR estimation for compressed pictures," ICIP,
Rochester, Sept. 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga and T. Chen, "Face
recognition using mixtures of principal components," ICIP,
Rochester, Sept., 2002.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "I/P frame
selection using classification based mode decisions," ICIP 2001.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "Hierarchical
Modeling of Variable Bit Rate Video Sources," Packet Video 2001.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen," Activity-adaptive
modeling of dynamic multimedia traffic," ICME 2000.
- Deepak S. Turaga and Tsuhan Chen, "Modeling
of Dynamic Video Traffic," ISCAS 2000
- Mohamed Alkanhal, Deepak Turaga and Tsuhan Chen,
Based Search Algorithms for Motion Estimation", Picture Coding
Symposium, April 1999
- David Casasent, Wei Su and Deepak Turaga,
"SAR ship detection using new conditional contrast box filter",
SPIE’s 13th Annual International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense
Sensing, Simulation and Controls, April 1999.
- Theses
- Ph.D.Thesis "Statistical Modeling for
Networked Video: Coding Optimization, Error Concealment and Traffic
Modeling", July 2001
- M.S. Thesis, “Encoder Optimizations for
Networked Video,” May 1999.
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