08/2014: I will join Florida International University, as Assistant Professor on Aug. 19, 2014.
08/2014: I will be the managing guest editor of a special issue in Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, on the topics of Sparsity Techniques in Medical Imaging.
07/2014: I am co-organizing the 2nd International Workshop on Sparsity Techniques in Medical Imaging in conjunctin with MICCAI this year at Boston, MA on September 14th, 2014. The keynote speakers are Dr. Yoram Bresler and Dr. Daniel Rueckert.
07/2014: MATLAB code for Sparsity High-Dose Induced Patlak Model (shd-Patlak) toolbox is available, including sample CT perfusion data [Download (35.4MB)] [Project]
- 05/2014: I will join the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University located at Miami, Florida, as tenure-track Assistant Professor starting from August 2014. Fully-sponsored Research Assistant position available. Please contact me via e-mail if interested.
6/11/2014: I passed my PhD Dissertation Defense. My thesis work is entitled "Towards Robust Medical Imaging: Sparsity-Based Perfusion Deconvolution". Thanks to my thesis committee members: Tsuhan Chen, Ramin Zabih, Noah Snavely, Pina Sanelli.
6/9/2014: We have been awarded a Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC) Pilot Award for our proposal "Minimal Radiation Exposure Technology For Acute Stroke Assessment". The objective of Pilot Awards program is to create opportunities for translational team research across
disciplines and institutions, and between basic and clinical scientists and the community. The pilot award involves Dr. Pina Sanelli from Weill Cornell Medical College and Dr. Tsuhan Chen, Dr. Ruogu Fang from ECE Department at Cornell Ithaca campus. The funded award is based on Ruogu's thesis research with application to acute stroke assessment with minimal radiation exposure. (6 out of 20 applications are awarded Pilot Award this year)
06/02/2014-06/04/2014: I gave an invited talk entitled "Medical Image Analysis in Assessment of Treatment Response and Disease Progression" and attended the panel discussion at the 2014 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS), Special Session on Radiation Oncology, held at Miami, FL.
- 05/22/2014: One paper accepted by MICCAI. Our paper has won the MICCAI Student Travel Award!
- 05/07/2014: I gave a talk at the Biomedical Imaging Research Seminar organized at Weill Cornell Medical College on "Towards Safer Medical Imaging: Sparsity-based Perfusion Deconvolution".
- 04/25/2014: I am awarded the Hsien Wu and Daisy Yen Wu Memorial Award 2014! This is in recognition of the excellent progress in the academic program and high potential for a successful academic career (5 awardees out of 19 applicants).
- 04/15/2014: Our application to the "Seed Grant for Collaborations Between Cornell University-Ithaca and Weill Cornell Medical College Faculty" has been chosen for funding for the year 2014-2015! The funded research is based on my thesis work, and titled "Learning-Based Low Radiation CT Perfusion for Acute Stroke Diagnosis." It is a cross-campus, multidisciplinary collaboration involving Dr. Ajay Gupta and Dr. Pina Sanelli from the Weill Cornell Medical College, and Professor Chen and Ruogu Fang from the AMP Lab. Congratulations to the Team! (9 out of 39 applicaitons are funded this year) [AMP News]
- 04/2014: MATLAB code for Robust Sparse Perfusion Deconvolution (SPD) toolbox is available, including sample CT perfusion data [Download (35.8MB)] [Project]
- 01/2014: I gave talks entitled "Sparse Deconvolution" at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science of Zhejiang University and Med-X Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, about our research on robust low-dose CTP deconvolution.
- 06/2013: I visited Xia'men University and gave a talk to the Computer Science Department on our robust low-dose CTP deconvolution using dictionary learning (full paper in MedIA'13 and MICCAI'12).
06/2013: One paper accepted by MICCAI'13.
This the project page of our work on tissue-specific deconvolution for low-dose CT perfusion.
- 05/2013: One paper accepted by ICIP'13 on kinship classification by modeling facial feature heredity.
This is the
project page of our work.
- 04/2013: We contributed a talk at the Special Session on Sparsity Techniques in Medical Imaging at ISBI'13 (San Francisco).
- 03/2013: A journal paper accepted by Medical Image Analysis on robust deconvolution using online dictionary learning.
This is the collaboration with Pina C. Sanelli at Weill Cornell Medical College.
- 05/2012: One paper accepted by MICCAI'12. This is the work on robust deconvolution of low-dose CT perfusion using online dictionary learning. This is the project page of our research.
- 11/2012: Passed my A exam.
Thanks to my committee members: Tsuhan Chen, Ramin Zabih, Noah Snavely and Pina C. Sanelli.
- 04/2012: Presented our oral paper at ISBI'12 (Barcelona).
- 01/2012: Our paper
Sparsity-Based Deconvolution Of Low-Dose Brain Perfusion CT In Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients was presented as oral presentation at ISBI'12.
- 12/2011: Facial recognition software spots family resemblance. Our kinship verification work is reported by NewScientist. The news describes our work on using 22 facial characteristics which, based on literature in genetic and cognitive science, seemed likely to be hereditary and find the optimal combination of facial features that can give the highest accuracy.
- 09/2011: Finished my summer internship at Kodak research labs,
mentored by Alexander C. Loui.
We're working on the kinship classification using facial feature heredity on large scale multi-generation families.
- 10/2011: Our paper
Radiation dose reduction in computed tomography perfusion using spatial-temporal Bayesian methods is accepted by SPIE'12 on Medical Imaging.
- 07/2011: Our paper
Segmentation of Liver Tumor Using Efficient Global Optimal Tree Metrics Graph Cuts is accepted by MICCAI'11 Workshop on Computational and Clinical Applications in Abdominal Imaging with oral presentation.
- 12/2010: My article A Tale of One Town and One City on my experience as a visiting research graduate student at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City appears on Cornell Daily Sun.
- 09/2010: Our oral paper
Towards Computational Models of Kinship Verification
won the Best Paper Award at ICIP'10 among nearly 1200 accepted papers.
This is the collaboration with Noah Snavely and Kevin Tang. [Project]
[CS News]
- 08/2010: Finished my summer internship at Siemens Corporate Research, mentored by Leo Grady.
We're doing research on the Interactive Segmentation On Mobile Devices In A Cloud Computing Environment with US patient.